

After sharing many stories about jinns, I will now share stories about the faith and psychic healers that I know of or encountered. By faith or spiritual healing, I mean healing through invoking the healing power of the Divine, and achieving the healing not through natural, physical means. The healing methods can therefore be described as “miraculous”. Spiritual healing is very much an energy phenomenon. God is Light, and Light is Energy. God is the source of energy (though He is not just energy). The Qur’an describes God as the “light upon the light”: "God is the light of the heavens and the earth; the likeness of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp (the lamp in a glass, the glass as it were a glittering star) kindled from a Blessed Tree, an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West whose oil well nigh would shine, even if no fire touched it; light upon light; (God guides to His Light whom He wills.)" [Qur’an 24:35 The Verse of Light, Ayat An-Nur] So the divin


This is the fourth and last post on jinns. Today’s stories also include several told to me by my friends since I started sharing my jinn stories. I have their permission to share these here (with their real names). One of them has written a book compiling his and other jinn stories (see below). THE JINNMASTERS One evening I was invited to visit a “spiritual” group somewhere near Kajang, about an hour’s drive from KL. I didn’t know what to expect. When I arrived at the house, there were about 20 young Malay men and women, many in their twenties, seated in rows on the floor of the covered driveway. All were wearing the traditional Malay male head gears (destar) of different colours. I was told that each colour denoted the different categories or ranks of the jinns serving each one of them. They were all chanting “Wujud! Wujud! Wujud! (Appear!)…..” incessantly, commanding their respective jinns to appear before them. I was shocked to discover those young Malays/Muslims meddling with the j