
Showing posts from March, 2021


This is the fourth and last post on jinns. Today’s stories also include several told to me by my friends since I started sharing my jinn stories. I have their permission to share these here (with their real names). One of them has written a book compiling his and other jinn stories (see below). THE JINNMASTERS One evening I was invited to visit a “spiritual” group somewhere near Kajang, about an hour’s drive from KL. I didn’t know what to expect. When I arrived at the house, there were about 20 young Malay men and women, many in their twenties, seated in rows on the floor of the covered driveway. All were wearing the traditional Malay male head gears (destar) of different colours. I was told that each colour denoted the different categories or ranks of the jinns serving each one of them. They were all chanting “Wujud! Wujud! Wujud! (Appear!)…..” incessantly, commanding their respective jinns to appear before them. I was shocked to discover those young Malays/Muslims meddling with the j


In the Malay/Muslim community, usually during the treatment sessions, the offending demon(s)/jinn(s) will “possess” the victim(s) and the healer (bomoh) talks to the jinn to find out why and who sent it to harm the victim, and then persuade or demand the jinn to leave with the threat of punishment to the stubborn ones. Often the jinn would refuse and some struggle ensues. The jinn always loses to a genuine healer, but how fast and how permanently the jinn concedes depends on the spiritual power and experience of the healer. We hear many stories of such victims being treated by one bomoh after another before finally being cured. The demons are also of different staying power. If they are sent by a bomoh (witchdoctor or shaman), their power also depends on the power of that bomoh. The Orang Asal/Asli bomohs and the Siamese bomohs (Bomoh Siam) are reputed to be among the most powerful in casting evil spells or doing black magic. While being possessed, the victim becomes totally unaware, a


In the previous post, I shared about my encounters with Jinns during my younger days when I was naïve about spirituality and dealing with spirits. In this post I will share stories from the time of my transition from being ignorant and scared of jinns to having a better understanding of their nature and then engaging with them directly. I had mentioned that Malaya (Malay Peninsula or now West Malaysia) is known for the widespread practice of black magic. The Carribeans and Africa are also famous for that, with their witchdoctors, voodoo, zombies and other practices. Each culture has its own unique beliefs, practices, and it would seem, ghost species too (at least that’s what the locals believe). I had a friend who learned voodoo during his stay in South America (he was a diplomatic staff!). The ritual included digging the grave of a child who died in infancy. Before he came back, he gave up the association, but the spirit he had befriended protested and bit him on the head. He still ca