Apart from receiving spiritual guidance and instructions from Beyond, I had on several occasions also received guidance/assistance in my home, medical work and in my business affairs. In the previous instalment, I shared that God forced a burglar to return my wife’s jewellery. Today I will share 3 more stories. The first is the story of a remarkable lady who did not give up hope of giving birth to her own child. It began with her first miscarriage in 1983. It was an early miscarriage, and since at least 10% of pregnancies are lost in the early stage, it was considered usual. However, in her second pregnancy (1985), she developed severe oedema, proteinuria (protein leakage into the urine) and severe hypertension which were resistant to treatment. At seven months she went into coma for 7 days. Fortunately she did not have seizures (which often happen in such cases). She bled copiously from her gums. She lost the baby, after which her condition improved rapidly and she was back to her sv...