Apart from receiving spiritual guidance and instructions from Beyond, I had on several occasions also received guidance/assistance in my home, medical work and in my business affairs. In the previous instalment, I shared that God forced a burglar to return my wife’s jewellery. Today I will share 3 more stories.

The first is the story of a remarkable lady who did not give up hope of giving birth to her own child. It began with her first miscarriage in 1983. It was an early miscarriage, and since at least 10% of pregnancies are lost in the early stage, it was considered usual.
However, in her second pregnancy (1985), she developed severe oedema, proteinuria (protein leakage into the urine) and severe hypertension which were resistant to treatment. At seven months she went into coma for 7 days. Fortunately she did not have seizures (which often happen in such cases). She bled copiously from her gums. She lost the baby, after which her condition improved rapidly and she was back to her svelte figure before being discharged. I hardly slept during those 7 days that she was in coma, taking care of her.
She had another early miscarriage in 1987. Then during her fourth pregnancy (1989), despite early monitoring and treatment, she developed the same problems, but even earlier. At 5 months she again bled from the gums and went into coma for 5 days, lost the baby and promptly recovered.
So I told her not to get pregnant again because she might not survive the next time. If the problem were to recur, it would most probably start even earlier, and be more severe than previously. Although she nodded, she actually did not stop hoping (and trying).
Then in early 1996 she and her husband came to me and informed me that she was pregnant. I was upset as she had obviously ignored my warning. Then they told me that they had prayed in front of the Ka’abah in Makkah the previous year, beseeching God to grant her a successful pregnancy and a healthy child. And they got an affirmative answer.
I had to accept their story. But I told them that she had to be admitted immediately, and stay in hospital until the baby was delivered, whatever the outcome. She was 8 weeks pregnant at that time. They agreed. It was going to be a very long stay. Deliveries in such very high risk cases are usually done as soon as baby’s lungs are matured, which could be as early as at 36 weeks of the 40 weeks pregnancy.
In the meantime, I consulted Atta, my Qadiri Shaykh about this case. He said: “Yes indeed Boss said He will take care of this pregnancy”. (“Boss” is Allah SWT).
That was reassuring, but how was I going to manage her seeing that using all the available drugs had failed to help her previously? Then Atta said: “Boss said this time He will guide you!”
The couple was also given “homework” by Atta. They had to feed the poor every week, and the wife had to recite the salawat (salutations to The Prophet PBUH) 300 times daily.
So she was warded and her husband was with her during this extended hospital stay. In the early months when everything was fine, I allowed them “weekend leave”.
One day, while I was checking her in her hospital room, I heard a clear whisper in my right ear about what to do. Indeed God guided me this time. Thereafter the pregnancy proceeded smoothly. She did not get bloated, and her BP was well controlled.
But in the 31st week, the baby stopped growing. That was a sign that things could go bad if the pregnancy continued. Fortunately the baby was still active. So on 18th November 1996, at exactly 32 weeks, an emergency caeserian section was done. The healthy baby girl weighed 1.9kg. She was kept in the incubator for 1 month until it was safe for her to go home.
November 18th also happens to be my birthday, so this special baby and I have shared many birthdays together. My two younger children also share the same birthday! Our families have become close over the years.
My god-daughter Arina Nabilah binti Mohd Hisham is now 24, and she graduated in Medicine last year. I am sure she will become an excellent doctor!
[Photos below: (1) Dr Arina Nabilah on her graduation day. (2) Group photo – she is 3rd from the left. Her parents are on my left (3rd & 4th from the right)].

The second story is about a lady who was in her first pregnancy. When she entered the third trimester I noted that her placenta was ageing too fast. I told her that the pregnancy had to be monitored closely (ie. more regular visits, which she agreed) and that there was likelihood that delivery had to be done early (latest by 38 weeks, or 2 weeks before her due date) to avoid possible complications to the foetus. If there were signs that the foetus was in danger, it would even be earlier. My plan was to induce her into labour if it was safe to do so. Otherwise delivery would be by caeserian section (surgery).
She told me she did not agree to any “intervention” whatsoever. She wanted a normal, natural delivery. I explained to her the dangers, and the husband was with her listening to my explanation. He accepted my advice but the wife was adamant.
At the 38th week visit, the placental ageing was really bad. The foetal heart pattern was not so good. I had received a message that something bad would happen if the delivery was not done immediately. I again tried to convince the patient to at least agree for induction of labour, and proceed to surgery only if necessary (ie. if there was “foetal distress” during labour). She refused. According to her, the foetus was still active and she was not worried, despite my warning.
Of course I could not tell her that I received a message from Beyond about this!
A few days later, while I was driving in town, I received a message to call that patient. So I called my clinic staff to ask her to call the patient.
Instead, my staff told me that the patient was already at the clinic. She had come because the foetus had stopped moving. I instructed my staff to check the patient’s abdomen with the foetal heart monitor. The foetal heart beat was absent.
When I arrived at the clinic, the patient was hysterical. I confirmed that the foetus was dead (by ultrasound). She decided that she did not want to go through labour, and opted for an elective caeserian surgery to deliver her dead foetus. So in the end she still ended with surgery, but no baby.
Not long after that, her husband divorced her.
LESSON: If you are stubborn and think that you know better than the experts, repeated expert advice and even Divine guidance cannot help you!

About 25 years ago I was in a terrible financial situation due to a prolonged business dispute that drained whatever savings I had. The dispute between the partners necessitated the appointment of interim receivers to manage the business, which was in fact profitable. It went on for several years, with the profits piling up in the bank, and not accessible to the partners. The interim receivers’ fee was very high, and each partner also had legal fees to pay, so the final cost to the disputing partners was huge.
It was finally decided that the solution was to sell the business to the highest bidder. But since there were no outside bidders, it was left to the partners to bid.
By that time I did not have any money left to bid, and I was in danger of getting a lousy deal for my share if the selling price was low. Getting a loan was an option, but there was no guarantee that the loan would be approved. And there would be a forfeiture of 10% of the bid price if a winning bidder failed to honour the purchase.
I explained my dilemma to Atta. He said: “Boss said you will win the bid. But first you must feed the poor”.
I told him all I had was RM20 which was not enough to feed the number of poor people required. So Atta had to lend me money for me to give a lunch treat to the poor people around the Masjid India area in downtown KL.
The auction was conducted by the interim receivers at a lawyer’s office. The partners attended with their respective lawyers. All the partners were keen to take over the business because we knew it was profitable. Remember, I had no money and would have to depend on a loan which, if approved, still had to be repaid. The bidding went quite fast. When it reached RM1 million, I asked for a break. I called Atta and told him that it was definitely out of my reach. He said: “Don’t worry, Boss said you will win.”
So I continued with the bidding, not out of any business sense, but out of faith in my Shaykh and what he said God told him.
When it reached RM2 million, I really panicked. Again I asked for time-out. I called Atta and told him the figure. He said the same thing: “Boss said you will win”.
Although I didn’t know what I was doing, I just kept on bidding. My winning bid was RM2,020,000. And I had only RM20 in my pocket, with no savings left.
I had one month to get a loan to honour the bid. Unfortunately, no bank was willing to give me the loan.
After one month, I was declared to be in default and RM202,000 was to be forfeited from my share of the final selling price, which was RM2 million (by the 2nd highest bidder). Since I was a major shareholder, part of the default money was to be paid back to me according to my share. So the actual defaulted amount was much less.
Then I understood the wisdom of being asked to bid to the maximum. I was meant to default, but in doing so, despite the penalty, I would get the best deal instead of getting a share of a low final selling price.
The above are 3 examples about how Divine guidance not only impact our spiritual life, but also our work and business affairs.

Most practising Muslims who pray 5 times a day make this solemn oath to God during each compulsory prayer:
“God Is The Greatest.
And praise be to Allah to the utmost.
And glory be to Allah day and night.
I turn my face to the Supreme One who created the heavens and the earth.
I sincerely submit (to Him) and I am not among the polytheists (who associate partners to Him).
Indeed, my prayers, my sacrifices, my life and my death are only for Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
He does not have partners. Thus have I been commanded, and I am from among the Muslims.”
(The Iftitah supplication. There are several variations of this).
So the Muslim who declares 5 times a day that his life and his death (and therefore everything in between) are only for God must live by this declaration. If he truly lives a life always being mindful of his duties and compliance to God’s commandments, then each time he recites this oath, God will be mighty pleased with him. And God will assist him further in his endeavor to be among the best of His servants.
Of course it is not easy to be a perfect servant. What is most important to God is his desire and intention to be good and do good, and to try his best. Because of his inherent weaknesses, he often falters. God never tires of forgiving, and the sincere but struggling servant will always be forgiven and helped to become better.
On the other hand, if he does not even intend to fully comply with God’s commandments, then every time he recites the oath, he is in fact lying to God. Imagine lying to God 5 times every day. Such a hypocrite does not benefit anything from his prayers, and his character and his life do not reflect that of a dutiful god-fearing servant of Allah.
We see many examples of this around us. There are many Muslims who pray regularly (some wear big turbans and never miss going to the mosque), but they are unkind, intolerant of others, rude, racist, untrustworthy, untruthful, corrupt, lazy, etc. They have little respect for the non-Muslims and ignore their rights. They think that justice is only for Muslims, often at the expense of the others. When in power, instead of helping the people, they are busy enriching themselves and rob the people’s wealth. And they even give sermons at the mosques!
The fruits of the prayers that are accepted by God are a good character (towards God and towards humanity); being liked and loved by others (not necessarily by the enemies); and contentment in life. Contentment does not necessarily equal to wealth, position or popularity, but having peace of mind and accepting whatever level of comfort (or lack of it) that God ordains as part of His test on us.

If you watch the documentaries of the wildebeests and zebras of Africa, you will see that their newborns have to stand on their feet and follow their mothers within minutes of birth. Otherwise they will become lunch for the lions and hyenas.
Contrast this with the human newborn baby, who can only suckle (or drink), sleep, cry, smile, pee and defecate. He cannot even crawl. If left alone, he is hopeless and will not survive.
But the hopeless baby feels fully secure in the arms of its mother. Whatever he needs, Mother will provide. And if there is a threat beyond Mother’s capability to defend, Father is there to ensure both of them are safe. The baby has absolutely no worries at all, despite being so hopeless on his own.
Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (QS), the Chief of all Sufi Saints, taught that we should all be like the newborn baby. In reality we cannot even guarantee if we will have the next breath (if God wills, you can drop dead at any instant), what more about all the other necessities of life. But we should not worry. Instead we should always live our lives in the cradle of God’s arms, and be assured that God The Most Loving , who loves us more than our mothers love us, will provide all that we need (not all that we want), provided we do our part.
Whatever He provides at any time is appropriate and the best for us at that time, according to His Knowledge and Wisdom. If He provides less than what we need at any time, be assured that it is only a temporary test on our patience and faith in Him. If He provides more than what we need, it is also a test on us – whether we spend to satisfy our desires and egos, or we spend for goodness and gain His approval. Whatever we do with His provision, we will all be accountable to Him in the Hereafter.
So we must always remember God in our daily life. Follow His rules, and ask for His guidance. When in trouble, return to Him. Seek comfort and security in His Compassion, Mercy, Grace, Beneficience, Justice, Forgiveness and Love. And don’t forget to always thank Him for all the favours that He has granted us, and will continue to grant us despite the shortcomings in our surrender and subservience to Him.
May He give us the knowledge, understanding, patience and wisdom to go through all the challenges of life that He has prepared as tests for us.
“Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: "We believe," and will not be tested?” [Qur’an 29:2]
Salam/Peace. See you at my next SUFI STORIES post!


  1. Dear Adik Amir, fascinating and uplifting..exactly what my Spiritual teacher, Sri Sathya Sai Baba teaches..See All as ONE Humanity,LOVE All, Serve All..and life's challenges? What doesn't kill you..will strengthen you spiritually..Now when I am unable to influence family that Covid and Vaccination is a means to control us..I surrender to GOD.Thank you for your sharing. Kak betty


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